Clarification of Binance’s Position on Shiba Inu

In the age of social media and self-reporting, some circulating information may be inaccurate. Earlier today, there was confusion among some community members due to an update from Binance regarding Shiba Inu. According to LucieSHIB, this update does not mean that Binance is removing Shiba Inu as an asset from its platform. Instead, the platform conducts regular reviews of listed trading pairs and removes inactive pairs.

The trading platform announced the delisting of the SHIB/TUSD pair among others, set to be removed by June 28. Other pairs affected in this latest round of delistings include METIS/FDUSD, LINK/TUSD, and BLUR/FDUSD.

LucieSHIB warned the community about misleading clickbait articles circulating in crypto media. These warnings come in light of the volatility of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, where fraudulent entities often exploit such situations to deceive users out of their hard-earned money.

Binance remains one of the largest trading platforms where SHIB is traded as an asset. With the removal of the SHIB/TUSD pair, interested traders can explore other available pairs such as SHIB/USDT and SHIB/USDC.

Read more Shiba Inu’s Price Trends: A Historical Perspective and Outlook for July

Lucie plays a crucial role as the spokesperson for the entire Shiba Inu ecosystem. Recently, communications from her account have focused on setting the record straight regarding the relationship between Binance and Shiba Inu. The community has received these messages positively, helping to disregard unwanted exploitation stemming from Binance announcements.

Important Notice: The content presented in this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial advice. bears no responsibility for any investment decisions made relying on the information contained herein. It is highly recommended to consult with a qualified expert or financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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